Do Bunions Affect All Ages?

You’ve probably heard some of your older relatives or friends complain about bunions and may have incorrectly assumed that they are an affliction reserved for the elderly. While it is rare to see a young child suffering from a painful foot condition, bunions can affect all ages.

What Are Bunions?

Bunions (Hallux Valgus) are bumps that form at the joint where your big toe joins up with the rest of your foot and the joint becomes displaced. As the bunion grows, the big toe is pushed out of alignment and can force the smaller toes out as well. The condition can make wearing shoes uncomfortable or even painful and walking and running difficult.

Prevent Bunions For All Ages?

Many people think they are safe from bunions because they make sensible shoe choices. Choosing good quality shoes that don’t cramp the feet are an excellent start to avoiding bunions, but it’s not a guarantee you will never get them.

High-heeled shoes or narrow-toed shoes may be the exception, as they put a lot of pressure on the toes. However, many foot specialists agree that ill-fitting shoes can aggravate bunions, they are generally not the only cause.

Children can also develop bunions that rival adult bunions in size, and it’s recommended they receive treatment. Unfortunately, the procedure will be more successful when it’s delayed until after the closure of the growth plates. The growth plates are areas at the end of the bones, which continue to grow until the person is at their maximum height.

Bunions are not necessarily genetic but some genetic foot problems and deformities can lead to bunions. People who have genetic foot conditions that lead to bunions will benefit from an annual checkup using X-rays to monitor the condition of the feet. Choosing special shoes and adding pads could also help to delay or halt the progression of the bunion if the preventative measures are started early.

How To Treat?

Yes, you can treat your bunions, and in most cases, the procedure to remove them takes a little over an hour. You will even be able to return to work on the same day.

If you have noticed pain in the area of the big toe joint, or that it is starting to angle inward, book yourself in for a free consultation at Northwest Surgery Center, where you will receive expert advice and professional care for all ages.

Published by
The Bunion Cure

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