
Request Your Free Consultation

We can help remove your bunions, fix hammertoes and eliminate your heel spurs in less than 2 hours! Plus, you can walk & drive home after surgery.

Compare traditional surgery to our minimally invasive procedures:
  • Recovery time is shorter and there’s no time off your feet with minimally invasive surgery.
  • With minimally invasive surgery, scheduling is faster and both feet can be scheduled on back-to-back days.
  • We only need local anesthesia whereas you’ll need to be put under for traditional surgery with general anesthesia.
  • The incision size is smaller and you don’t need heavy duty surgical instruments like pins, screws, saws, hammers, etc. with minimally invasive surgery.
  • Infection Risk is lower with minimally invasive surgery.

Complete this form or call 720-924-7424 to request a free in-person or virtual consultation with our board-certified bunion surgeon in Littleton, CO.